Hidden Rush Deception: My Only Success Story

in Gods On Chain5 months ago

I've been traveling for the holidays (so sorry to some of you where I missed curating your posts). I haven't been able to play much, and most of the games have been taking L's to dragon war and Atlantean magic. I've been trying to make nature work, but it just isn't (unless you have a $2k deck then it seems like it might work).

The one deck I have been having success with is HRD. I went 4-0 with a deck I ran into that was using cobra scepter. Even though I did well, it wasn't due to the random cards in that list, so I just took the odd ones out and ended up with this:

The Deck



I've hesitated to try HRD without Pyramid Wardens. I've also been trying out out the new ToF cards, and this doesn't use any. However, at a combined 6-1, I can't deny it is effective.

It also does feature one card that is new to me: Orfeo, Champion of Deception.


He was $10 when I picked him up. I never could justify buying him back when he was expensive, but he seemed like a nice addition at this price.

Of course, I'm running Shadow of Lethanon. Some significant % of the win rate comes from cheesing aggro light with Cat + Dark Knives. Every other god has answers these days, but if you can get in a few buffed swings, it's worth it.


I've tried to take squid's advice to heart: against aggro I work to control the board first and foremost. Trading with Duelist and Armor Lurker, using Umber Arrow, etc. That was why I picked up Orfeo and added him. Having him drop in the first few turns for free can really swing the board to your favor.

This deck does sell out a bit though to try and finish fast with reach.


Also the 2x Shivs for even more reach and protected popping against magic.

I could be convinced that Lethal Prowler could be swapped out for Sneaky Bruiser (or something else). I haven't even drawn him in the 7 games I've played, so the deck can certainly win without him. Also, now that hiding enemy frontliners with your GP costs 3 mana, it's that much harder for him to hit board, hide their minion, and then go face. You don't want to be hanging around at 8 mana with this list.

Bruiser, on the other hand, stays safe for a turn hidden. Nothing can clear him on curve that I know of except nature - and as a nature player - LOL.

ToF Cards?

The only one that interests me for this list is:


However, I'm just not sure it makes the cut. It is like another Pietro, but without all the extra bodies. That makes it a dead card if you have no board - unlike Pietro.

HRD has so many reps and optimizations that I don't think it needs any new cards. It does what it does, and it does it well.


I don't have any gameplay due to travel, but most of us know how this deck works anyway. Especially after @meltysquid's master class post on it.

If, like me, you are feeling a little beat down by the dragon/atlantean power decks, HRD might be our ticket to at least a few wins a day!


Yes, you are right, I am feeling a little beatdown by a dragon/Atlantean power deck. If I have some gods I would go and try this deck of yours.

I am to read your success story.

Stormshroud is most likely not making the cut. The deck can't afford running too many spells. You rarely have more than 1 guy worth hiding so Stealth gp covers you most of the time. Funny you can the deck optimized, maybe I've just played it so often I just autopilot and watch Youtube but the deck has a lot of flexibility in building. Although you could say that for most aggro decks since they're mostly piles of good aggressive cards.

The deck is slightly? favored against dragon control war since they usually cut the frontlines PW and martyr to fit in the dragons but they do have 1 more aoe in reckles dive. I think atlants is a coinflip, they play like aggro light but have creatures that trade better than it, and sometimes you can race but Fran can hose you.

Yea atlant magic is just better than aggro light in every way. None of my decks are +WR against it. Aggro war is maybe closest but needs to go first.

ya this is strong now with natuer losing its randomly 1 dmg and heal one to god. Prob super weak to that ember at 7 mana but it takes too long to get ther ethis deck will destroy early

seems like the game hasnt been too fun lately either :P. i havent played again rip i will try again maybe this week

only success story?

Most of my other decks (especially all nature decks) are just losing a ton.

Great to hear this