Mythic Weekend Ranked with Only Welcome and Core Cards: Light Edition, 15 Wins!

in Gods On Chain2 years ago (edited)

Gauntlet WelCore Latest.png

A weekly recap of my Mythic Weekend Ranked experience, this time doing a challenge of only using cards from the Welcome and Core set. This is my first weekend doing this challenge and I started with Light. Previously I completed a Free-To-Play (F2P) Gauntlet with all the Gods to show that they can all compete and get Legendary packs. See the summary thread here.

Weekend 18 April 15th – 17th

There is a reason why I started this WelCore challenge with Light, and that is because they got some very powerful Core buffs as well as Core cards. However, I never expected to get any Legendary packs with any of the WelCore decks but here we are, as I got 15 Wins with this Light deck! Good start to the challenge haha.

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Prize (USD)$27.5

Here’s the deck that I used, costing 0.0129 ETH or ~$39.

W18 WelCore Light Deck.png

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I think this is the most I’ve played against one God since I started playing 18 weeks ago; Light has such a grip over the meta right now it’s crazy. But fortunately, I did pretty well with the mirror matches as I went 9-6 against them. Magic is still a good matchup for Light, except OTK decks as the WelCore Light deck is not very fast.

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WelCore Analysis

There are many good WelCore cards for Light after the Core Refresh, but there are definitely weaknesses: there aren’t any good midrange creatures, and without board buffs other than Asterius you’d need to rely on your relics, neutrals, and spells to not lose traction.

Notable WelCore Cards


Vexing Vicar, Mace of Calling, Wrong Path, Judge Envoy, and Zealous March are very good cards. Although in my deck, the Vicars didn’t do as much as I don’t have many buffs for them; they were there to deal a little damage and absorb some relic hits, and slow down Aggro. Mace of Calling will win you games if you start the game with it and it doesn’t get destroyed. Wrong Path is amazing tempo, but I found one situation where you don’t really want to Wrong Path because all the opponent has are good Roar cards, like against another Light. Judge Envoy isn’t really played in many Meta decks but it’s a really good tempo card as well, by gimping one of your opponent’s creatures while providing a big body. Zealous March of course is your finisher, even though it might take a few turns to get a kill as this deck doesn’t run buffs. Again there are downsides to ZM, like you can’t play another creature or use Light’s Levy/Penitence because your board is full, but if your opponent is low on health or can’t finish you or the Acolytes in a turn or 2, the game is sealed.

Missed Cards


Compared to the deck that I used in the F2P Gauntlet Challenge, a few expansion cards were sorely missed. Munosian Infiltrator was a great addition to this deck as it helps get rid of your opponents creatures along with your relics, and provides a creature that doesn’t die to your opponent’s 2 attack relics (Light mirror matches) or 1-drops. Excommunicate is really good removal and much better than Penitence, as it goes through Ward and is 1-mana cheaper, not to mention you can use it with your board is full.

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Going Forward

Next week I’ll be playing with a WelCore War deck; one of the main reasons I’ve decided on War is because I need to fly out on a business trip on Friday, which means I don’t have much time to play at all, and Aggro War usually finishes games faster than other decks. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish the 25 games before my flight. Checking out the cards now, I can see War doing OK with WelCore cards, but we shall see! It’ll be the first week that the new expansion is out too.

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Last Week's Rewards

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I screwed up my screenshots but for my DO Legendary Pack I got Einar, the Frozen King, and then a General Orythia from a Rare pack. As DO is coming to a close, I checked which Legendaries I’m still missing from the set and a few good ones that I still haven’t gotten are Sern, The Hollow, and Polyhymnia. For my Core Legendary I got Lokian Disciple which should come in handy for WelCore Deception.


It's funny when you think WelCore is generally cheap but Vicar is more expensive than like 90% of DO.

Haha yea, it's supply and demand, not that many Vicars yet; but it has been dropping a lot, around 33% value of what it was a few weeks ago, and it'll keep dropping as supply increases. I still haven't opened one so I buy before the weekend and sell afterwards, and this time I lost 20% just from a day