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RE: Introduction: Myself and the Educational project for GU community.

in Gods On Chain3 years ago

This is an awesome post and I am glad to see the real historical connections of these cards. I also love that this is a series, because while some of them are relatively obvious, I tell you what I didn't expect that kind of historical significance from a boar. Hahahaha.

I wouldn't call myself a history buff or anything, but it was one of my preferred subjects thanks to a kick butt middle school teacher I had.. and actually the most recent game I played "Forgotten City" had the same kind of themes in it as well. Lots of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman themes and architecture. Maybe I'm just a sucker for ancient religions, but def looking forward to more of your posts.


Hi @rebeloyell, thank you very much! It is a pleasure to find people who are, like me, suckers for ancient history. If you ever have a recommendation for me to explore, please feel free to send me a message!