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RE: Free to Play in Gods Unchained - tips from top community players

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Honestly... coming from Hearthstone.. this is WAY more F2P Friendly. I couldn't even imagine getting into Hearthstone Legend Rank without having to buy packs or grinding for 40 hours a week at a 51% win rate for the month.

Hitting Mythic on F2P is actually totally manageable in this game, and what I like is it's not just one aggro face deck. You can definitely get there with Aggro War, but a lot of Nature Core Cards are REALLY good and over statted for their mana cost. Lots of decks can be built around those.


You speak the truth!
I agree with you, completely.
And don't forget, you buy packs or grind 40 hours in HS and you don't get a cent back.
F2P in Gods Unchained has been proven as a viable and decent P2E path.