First Encounter with New Cards in a Long-Awaited Battle

in Gods On Chain17 days ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, it's been a while. Lately, I've been struggling to find time to play, which has been frustrating. With a move coming up next week, I don't expect to play for a while, so I wanted to share this week's Weekly Ranked Battle.

I had a decent starting hand.

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I’m a bit concerned about my opponent increasing their hand size.

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I’m steadily taking control of the field.

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Canopy Barrage landed perfectly.

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Following Canopy Barrage, Lightning Strike also hit effectively.

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Something serious happened. It’s a combo I've never seen before.

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Sudden Bloom is very versatile.

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I tried a new card. It's interesting to be able to see the opponent's cards.

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This led to my victory.
It seems a new pack was released while I wasn't playing. When the prices drop, I plan to buy some Wild cards. I haven't updated my deck since Food Chain, so I'm looking forward to it.

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Hi, good ending with "Sudden Bloom", nice game my friend.👍👍👍

Thank you for watching!

Undersea Spellwyrm is a very good card. I have been trying to incorporate it to my Dread Nature Deck.

I see, this will be the one of the regular card which everyone will use.

Indeed, once someone finds out which cards synergize with it, it will be a dreaded card to deal with in the meta.