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RE: Gods Unchained - Weekend Ranked Prep (#1) — An Entry Level War Deck

in Gods On Chain2 years ago

Yea three posts a week would be amazing as long as you are not trying to do to much and you enjoy making them. Wow only a couple of weeks ago? You seem to have a really good grasp on the game already. Do you have a background in playing TCGs? If you think enduring shield is good now man it would have blown your socks off back then lol. It truly was a pleasure to take in your post and all the details you put into it. It is without a doubt one of the better written articles on the site thus far.


I've been playing MTG (and many many physical/digital attempts at recreating that nostalgic experience) going on two decades, now. I attempted to get into Hearthstone, but having already dabbled in nearly a dozen other digital TCG's prior to it, I was immediately turned off by its poor progression system. It doesn't help that Blizzard was already quickly moving to the top of my "least favorite game devs" list after multiple tragic failures :*(

I briefly cover my journey of TCG discovery in my GU introduction, if you're interested.

Glad you enjoyed the post, and here's to hopin' I can keep it up! Merry Christmas to ya!