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RE: The New Set!

in Gods On Chainlast year (edited)

Gama is tempting, of course, although, I must admit, this card, without abundance of Nethers in the deck, is useless and can become dead in future.

Probably, it has sense to play it with Hierophant since the latter has great synergy with the cats, too - each cat (roared by Hierophant) copies 2 cards each turn.

An interesting move about Deception...

At the same time, I have a fear that these Deception Nethers will be the second Casino Deception - looking good but not Meta. I doubt there was a serious check how Meta the new Deception Nether cards are...
Not sure I should hurry to spend crypto to get the cards... But missing a chance to get Gama is frightening too. 😁 I don't know... Probably, I must raise as much crypto from the new set as possible - win and sell immediately .... ...Let's see.

Recently, I had several buys of some potentially Meta cards. One of them were 2 Parthene Guardians. 🙂 The price of this card has seriously increased since the new set's announcement. But this time, I don't rush to sell since greed tells me Parthene Guardian can become another Shadow of Lethenon, I mean, from the point of importance and price. Getting 50 bucks for 2 of them would be great. 🙂


Gama procs off of himself so he's like a juiced up Vault Vagabond. 5hp and hidden is pretty good and stealing a card can help in the value game. Having to craft for the leggys is going to be interesting.

Gama procs off of himself

:o Yes, probably right... Then, Gama is a must-have...

Wishing you the best on those buys! I actually got some ETH ready to speculate, but then they released cards while I was asleep. By the time I saw the announcement, cards had already spiked 200-300%.

Damn... So, wish you good luck winning best BW cards. This is a great opportunity.