Ulog 13 - A story of cats - lost and found.

in Ulogs4 years ago

We are staying in our new village for about 12 days now. A lot has happened.

Firstly, on the day that we moved we could not find our cat, Rooies. We have 3 cats, the mother Rosy and 2 twin brothers, Rooies and Goldie. So, we moved with Rosy and Goldie. Rooies was just gone.

Beautiful Goldie.

Cats tend to run away from home in a new home. Goldie adjusted real fast and at night he was roaming the new neighbourhood.

Rosy is a very scared cat. She was rescued as a baby from the beach, but we could never got that "wildness" totally out of her. Seems that having to fend for herself when she was so small, scarred her for life. If she just hears a noise then she runs. In the new home her hiding place inside a cupboard. We take her outside, but she runs straight back and go hide in the cupboard.


In the meantime I was posting on WhatsApp groups to be on the lookout for Rooies (the red one). We were so worried about him. Where does he sleep? Where does he get food?

But tragedy strikes where we did not expect it. Goldie came home late one night and not long after that he starts vomiting. Early the next morning he did not look well at all, his eyes, nose and mouth was yellowish. My hubby took him to the Vet and the Vet said he has liver failure, possible that he somehow got in some poison. He had to be put down and just like that we lost this beautiful boy. 😥😢


In the meantime we were still asking around for Rooies. We took a basket to the tenants at our old home just in case Rooies showed up there. On the same day, we lost Goldie we got a call Rooies showed up at the old home. Hubby went speeding up the road to go get him.


Rooies, just after we brought him home, he was purring and seemed very happy to be home. From moving a lot we came up with this plan to make sure the cats don't run away. We put them on a leash. We make it just long enough, so they can't go outside our yard till they are familiar with the surroundings.

On the photo you can see Rooies' leash. Later on, we don't tie the end of the rope anymore that gives them more freedom. Even if they go outside the fence, normally the rope get stucked somewhere and you can easily find the cat.


Above my Dad's beauty, Freckle Boy. He tends to run away from a new home. We found him 2 times because of the rope that got stuck outside the yard. So Freckle is also still on his leash at the new home.

Back to my cats. Both are happy. Rosy is happy to stay indoors and Rooies is exploring the yard. He goes out and every time he comes back through the window. So, I think it will only be a day or two before we will let him go freely.


In the meantime as I write, both of my cats are sleeping soundly on my bed. Rosy by my feet and Rooies at hubby's feet. One big happy family.

Well, just a part of the happy family. We are animal lovers and we have 2 dogs too. I will save their pics for another time.

Thank you for reading.



🎁 Hi @hope777! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

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Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

So sorry about your cat. Those are beautiful. When I left my son's cat. We had left the country and we're in the city and she would have none of being in the house with my daughter's cats. She ran away. She showed up again a couple of months later so I bought everything I needed for her and then didn't she decided to turn around and leave with that same week?

So great to hear from you @wandrnrose7. Thank you for reading. Yes, it seems cats have a mind of their own. Hope you are well.

I'm doing well, still migraines but that is life. How are you?

Sorry about the migraines. I am well under the lockdown circumstances. I do holiday letting so no income. But we are not dying of hunger yet.
Enjoy the weekend.

Sending prayers, dear. I can be grateful that I have been working this whole time. I am working from home taking phone calls from the same company. Take care.

Thank you, glad you can continue working. 🌺❣️

It is a blessing 🙏. Hugs

I am so sorry for the loss of your cat and I am also happy Rooies came back!
animals can become family! They are family!

Heyyy so good to hear from you@poeticsnake. Thank you for reading. Thanks, yes our pets are part of the family.

They are all adorable, but I love goldie most😊

Thank you, yes Goldie was a beauty. Thank you for commenting and the support.

Cute cats, it is unfortunate the loss of the one who was poisoned.

Thank you, yes it is. Thanks for reading and commenting..

So sorry to hear about Goldie :( but glad you found Rooies! Goodness - our furry friends can cause so much heartache at times, but totally worth it for all the moments cherished! !tip

It's true @jaynie. Appreciate you stopping by and commenting.
Enjoy the weekend!

My pleasure :) You too!

So sorry for your loss - loosing a pet is terrible - so glad the other 2 are safe.

Thank you 💞