First Contribution on the Collaboration

in Cent22 days ago

Yesterday I read about @anadolu's announcement about the collaboration of Cent Community with the Leofinance Community, which you can read about in this post here. And I am so happy about it, another step for the Cent community that I support, and also the Leofinance through Inleo frontend. I have made several posts about finance in the past when it was still in the Leofinance Community, but because of the lack of financial knowledge and ability about it so I take a step back from it.

But it seems now they have developed into a bigger project and a broader vision for Hive in general through the Inleo interface. Which is a wonderful development. Which allows you to make a post outside of the finance realm. it means that Inleo is a bigger umbrella that covers every other content including Leofinance for Finance and stuff.


And now with the collaboration of Cent Community with Inleo, I guess it will give a good boost for both community, for Cent Community as well as Inleo through the use of the interface. And of course, as one of the supporters of the Cent Community which held up quite well during the bear season, I am very happy with this announcement. ANd can't wait to give my contribution to both communities. I guess I should send back the little Leo token that I have and stake for my Leo account that I used before, just when I learned about the different communities as well as the second layer token. But for now, I guess putting it here in this account would be a better idea so that I can support both Cent and also Leofinance tokens and the community with the small staked token on my account.

So once again with is such wonderful news, and can't wait to give my contribution, not much for sure, but at least I am giving my best to both communities that I like.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha