Social Media's Comment War Can be Ruthless

in Centlast year

Actually this is a bad new in my country, because earlier today there was a suicide bombing happening and it was targeting a Distric Police Office when all the policeman were still doing morning roll call.

Lucky there was only one victim who was the bomber, while only three police officer were hurt in the incident. It could have been disastrous if the bomb was exploded right in the middle of the roll call.


The effect on the insided was not only in real life, where there is a man, a creation of God died for nothing, and hurting others that they don't even know each other nor having any problem before. The effect on the social media was even monstrous. A lot of keyboard warriors felt that they got another weapon to spead hate, hoaxes or conspiration theory.

I can't understand how people opposing the goverment or the police has no empathy at all about what happening. No empathy toward the wounded police or the bomber who lost the lives stupid things that he believe in too much.

They said that this was just fake accident that is planned by the goverment to divert the recent issue, or it is just a bait toward the coming Festive Season, or it is just a way to give religion bad names.

Short Post Challenge!!!

This is my personal challenge to make a short post based on what words come to my mind. I am not a good writer myself, thus I make this challenge as easy as I could. My goal is to make a short post every two other days so that I still have time to train my head to come up with ideas.