
That is really great. I am well placed in hbd:bee pair. The APR keeps changing. Just had one suggestion to the team of cent. Why dont you start cine:cent pair. A lot of cine holders can pledge money in this pool as well. I am open to discuss on discord as well

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm planning to create a community owned Discord server soon. We can share your suggestions here or on Discord. Cine, Sports, Vibes, Oneup etc. Of course there is a plan to create cent pools. However, there are some obstacles. The formation of diesel pools negatively affects the transaction volume in the Cent market. We have not yet reached the liquidity to make healthy transactions in existing pools. Also, pool creation fees are quite expensive. It takes time to meet these fees. A new post has been made about the fees. I recommend reading:

I just read this article an it seems 5000 Bees is quite a big cost. I can understand it would be tough decision. If you ever plan such liquidity pool do give me a buzz.