My Experience with the Latest Version of ChatGPT: GPT-4o

in Cent17 days ago

The latest version of ChatGPT called GPT-4o was mind-blowing. This new edition of the AI chatbot has been modified in several ways and as a long-time user, I can confirm that there are appreciable enhancements.

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Let me begin by talking about its speed. GPT-4o is much faster compared to previous versions. For me, it’s a big one because most of the time I use chatbots for quick answers or information. The old versions sometimes had lags hence requiring some waiting time until responses came in. But with GPT-4o, you get responses within no time after posting them. This makes everything flow much better and makes communication more effective. It ceases being a case where I wait for the bot to catch up with me which is awesome.

The next thing that makes me love GPT-4o so much is its conversational tone that it assumes when interacting with users. Although the earlier variations of ChatGPT were good, they sometimes seemed mechanical to me, but not anymore with GPT-4o where each response sounds more natural as well as human-like than ever before, thereby creating an atmosphere just like chatting with my friend who understands me as though he/she is genuine in his/her approach towards issues raised here and there by yours truly. Thus ensuring that the use of this software feels less boring yet more active than before. I found myself reaching out because it appears like we are having a real conversation rather than being programmed into something robotic at all times.

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OpenAI, the firm responsible for ChatGPT, announces that GPT-4o will be available to each and every user including those using the free version. This is great news because this way, all people are going to enjoy these changes. In my view, it is a necessity that sophisticated technology like this should be made accessible to the public.

When it comes to AI technology, one thing I am always worried about is bias and misinformation. OpenAI has done an amazing thing by doing testing of GPT-4o with external experts so as to identify and mitigate such harms. They have promised to continue with this initiative thus making me feel more relieved than before. It’s my opinion that AI companies must take responsibility for what their models say and make efforts towards minimizing negative effects.

I’ve observed that GPT-4o does a better job of handling difficult questions than ever before. Whenever I bombard it with difficult or multi-layered questions, it seems to grasp that information well, leading me into coming up with precise responses. This is particularly important when I am conducting research or looking for in-depth information on matters of interest. What I also enjoy most in the chatbot is its ability to demystify complicated subjects into simplified versions

However, GPT-4o does have some drawbacks. For instance, at times, it provides me with answers that are overly general or not exactly what I was searching for. This has somewhat improved on previous versions but still occurs sometimes. In such cases, I believe it is essential that users raise concerns so that developers can perfect and enhance the model.

All in all, my experience with GPT-4o has been very positive. The increased speed and more conversational tone make it a joy to use. Besides, knowing that OpenAI acknowledges issues like bias and misinformation gives me more trust in using this technology as well. I am happy that soon this new version will be available to every user since I suppose everyone should have an opportunity to use such advanced AI tools.

I highly suggest you try out GPT-4o if you haven’t yet. Irrespective of whether you use chatbots for studying or merely personal entertainment, this latest iteration is great improvement from its predecessor models. I anticipate for the continued growth and development of GPT-4o going forward.

Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts and hopefully you’ll find GPT 40 as useful and enjoyable as I do.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha