Why WWII Fighter Pilots Wore Goggles

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Those old WWII pilot goggle straps were on to something, I believe.

During that time, though, flying those planes was not just about rushing through the air and shooting down foes. It was about surviving amidst a chaotic world of war and so as to keep these brave aviators safe goggles played a significant role.


Now consider this: You are inside the cockpit moving at great speeds with all sorts of things going on around you. Oil, fuel or whatever else ran along these tubes in the cockpit. These lines were prone to leaks by the way. If one ruptured, you had gotten yourself a face full of whatever was in that line up front here.

And it is not really something that you want happening when your focus is trying to bring down enemies.

But combat was no joke; and speaking of enemies, it’s no picnic. Up there, bullets were flying, planes were maneuvering in a mess. The last thing you need is something splashing into your eyes and throwing off your aim. In this way, the goggles acted like a shield protecting your face from all that nastiness and allowed you to continually stay sharp and focused on what you were doing.

However, it wasn’t just during combat that the goggles proved useful. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable situations inside the cockpit either.

It was cold, drafty, and at times moisture would freeze over, blocking your vision. This is not really favorable when one is trying to land safely after a mission. They helped in keeping one warm as well as ensured that despite terrible conditions you could still see clearly through them even when things became worst for everybody else.


And do not forget about landing. Landing an aircraft is no laughing matter, particularly when you have been in the sky for several hours, dodging bullets and struggling to stay alive. It was common practice to open up the canopy so as to have a better view during landing, however it also meant that one was exposed to several things flying through the air. Those goggles helped in protecting your eyes from both debris and wind, thus ensuring that each time you landed safely.

Now some might say that those pilots only had additional problems brought about by the goggles.

Listen; when you are up there in the sky with bullets whizzing past your head and planes exploding all around you, a little trouble is nothing compared to remaining alive. Those goggles were more than just equipment, they were a vital link, symbolizing a pilot’s determination of returning home unharmed.

So next time you see a picture of those brave WWII fighter pilots wearing their goggles just think what they fought for. They did not fight solely for their country or their cause but rather their life itself.

And after every flight mission these goggles made sure it won them this battle till the end of World War II one mission at a time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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