The Biggest Macro Opportunity of All Time

in Cent2 months ago

Thanks to taskmaster for sharing this article in his post. Reading the earlier part of the article, I got excited reading Raoul Pal’s forecast that we are now in a crypto summer where altcoin will outperform Bitcoin. Bitcoin maxis reading this would not be happy. I suspect many of them consider altcoins like HIVE as trash. They would never entertain the idea of even holding a small portion of our token. At least, that's the impression I got from a group of crypto enthusiasts who entered the space earlier than me.

Another surprising statement from a market guru like Pal is that he is convinced that "crypto is the biggest macro opportunity of all time." In line with this belief, he wrote:

Crypto is going from $2.7 trillion where we are today to let’s say $12 trillion by the end of this cycle and onto a $100 trillion within 10 years.

For TM such a forecast is still conservative. If both Pal and TM are accurate, what should be our response?