Shattered Paths: A Betrayal in the Quest for New Beginnings.

in Cent7 months ago

Hi Hiveians! Earlier today, I had a chat with a good friend of mine on Ecency Waves. I was commenting on an interesting article she posted. I ended by suggesting, "Is it possible to give a twist to the usual 'happily ever after' ending of every story?" Though I wouldn't wish this to happen to anyone on Earth, I was just trying to spice things up by giving the story she created a twist. She asked me to go for it and try it out. So, this content is dedicated to @mell79. Now, I must say that am not so good at story telling, but am just doing this to make @mell79 happy, I hope you all enjoy it.

Link to the Main content by @mell79

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My Twist Version:

Darren walked down the usual path, feeling really down. Today was just not like other days. The problems he had recently, hit him hard. First, he lost his job, which was a big hit to his stability. On top of that, his girlfriend broke up with him, making him feel lost and heartbroken.

While Darren was feeling sad and walking along, he saw an old sign that said, "New Beginnings This Way." It caught his interest, making him think about starting over. Tired and a bit hopeless, he decided to leave his usual path and go in the direction the sign was pointing, even though he wasn't sure what lay ahead.

As Darren walked along the path, going through dark valleys and sunny mountaintops, he made some surprising friends. They became like a makeshift family, sticking together through the ups and downs. They laughed and cried together as they tackled the challenges of their new journey. This friendship gave Darren comfort and helped heal the hurts from his difficult past.

Continuing his journey, Darren and his newfound friends encountered Jacob, a fellow traveler who seamlessly joined their makeshift family. Jacob's charm and shared experiences forged a tight bond, and Darren began to confide in him about his past struggles and the pursuit of new beginnings.

As the group navigated through the challenges of the unexpected path, Darren and Jacob became inseparable. Their relationship seemed unbreakable, a beacon of support amidst the uncertainties. Little did Darren know that Jacob harbored ulterior motives, fueled by envy and a desire for the newfound hope that surrounded their group.

The turning point came when the group reached a pivotal stage of their journey. The hidden challenges beneath the banner of "New Beginnings" began to surface, testing the resilience of their makeshift family. In a moment of vulnerability, Darren confided in Jacob about his lingering doubts and fears.

To Darren's disbelief, Jacob seized this opportunity to betray their friendship. He exploited the vulnerabilities shared in confidence, manipulating the group dynamics to serve his own interests. The complex web of challenges that emerged was, in part, orchestrated by Jacob, leading to fractures within the once-unbreakable bond.

The revelation of Jacob's betrayal sent shockwaves through the group. As alliances crumbled and trust shattered, Darren found himself at a crossroads of emotional turmoil. The friend he had considered a confidant had become the source of their undoing, exposing the group to a betrayal that cut deeper than the challenges they faced together.

The path that initially promised hope and renewal now echoed with the bitter sting of betrayal. Darren, wounded not only by life's hardships but also by the deceit of a trusted friend, faced the setting sun with a heavy heart. The landscape, once filled with the promise of a brighter future, now cast long shadows of disappointment, revealing the harsh reality that not every journey toward new beginnings unfolds as a tale of redemption.

The End


Wow, this is brilliant. I'm impressed with you. You're truly a talented writer. Your story is something that many people can relate to. In reality, there are many who go through this kind of phase. Being backstabbed by a friend can be a painful experience.

I myself have gone through it before. However, I still continue to move forward without that friend, and I'm confident that I'll find better friends in the future. For me, those kind of friends will serve me as a lesson and a reminder to be cautious and not trust new too quickly.

Kudos to you. You should join the freewriters community and join in the challenge.

Wow thanks for these words of encouragement. I feel pumped already for the Day.

Free writers challenge? What's the prices?