Trump's Pledge to Free Ross Ulbricht.

in Cent22 days ago

There has been a lot going on in my mind ever since the news came out that Donald Trump had made up his mind to commute Ross Ulbricht’s sentence. A good number of people know Ulbricht as the founder of Silk Road, a darknet marketplace that was active from 2011-2013. At present, he is undergoing a long-term imprisonment of two life terms plus 40 years for taking part in it. The Silk Road facilitated numerous illegal drug transactions which made Ulbricht become a subject of contention among many participants in the crypto space.


When I heard about Trump’s announcement, I experienced mixed emotions. On one side, I acknowledge how serious the crimes related to Silk Road were. The platform enabled trafficking drugs and other illicit goods which caused great harm without any doubt. The justice system should take such actions with a lot of seriousness. However, on the other hand, it seems like his punishment is too harsh for him as an individual. Thirty years is much more than enough; it is absolutely ridiculous especially because he has already served 11 years.

The decision by Trump to commute Ulbricht’s sentence to time served is not only unexpected but also significant. It’s not every day that you hear a former president and a possible future president make such an audacious statement. It demonstrates a change in attitude towards the matter, and maybe, towards the wider concerns surrounding the criminal justice system in relation to cybercrime and cryptocurrency-related crimes.

I reflect on how Ulbricht’s case has been perceived by different factions. Many within the crypto community consider him as a martyr. They maintain that his conviction was not about rendering fair justice, but about making an example of him. The excessive duration for which he has been sentenced has elicited debates on whether it was an abuse of state power. Those who back Ulbricht are convinced that his constitutional rights were violated and he deserves another shot at life.

Trump appears to be supportive of Ulbricht in line with his broader pro-crypto position. He has recently made several positive comments about cryptocurrencies, which are very different from his earlier skepticism towards them. This new approach may be strategic because there is an increasing number of crypto enthusiasts and libertarians seeing digital currency as being associated with financial freedom and decentralization.

To me, it’s exciting when Trump said, “I will make sure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin is made here in America, not abroad.” Even though the crypto industry is indeed booming, it is important for the US to be in the lead. The fact that he vowed to defend self-custody rights and prohibit a central bank digital currency demonstrates his adherence to decentralization and financial autonomy.

Nevertheless, I can’t help but question whether these promises are genuine or not. This tendency happens quite often with politicians who engage into vote hunt especially during campaigns. Is this just another strategy to win votes or does Trump genuinely believe what he himself is advocating? It may be hard to say conclusively but for the supporters of cryptocurrency like myself, at least he’s publicly making those pledges.

Pondering over the matter as a whole, the bigger picture settles in my mind. In case Trump goes ahead with his pledge, it may pave way for future handling of such cases. This might mean that penalties for cybercrimes, especially those involving cryptocurrencies, get lighter and to indicate a more compassionate approach to justice.

The situation is complex and multi-faceted, which need careful examination before any conclusion can be made about it. It shows why Ulbricht’s sentence has been criticized by some because they think that it is too severe. Equally important are the changing perceptions towards digital currency and other related financial crimes. I still have my concerns about the reasons behind Trump’s promises but do not dispute the fact that they brought to light various issues that had long been overlooked concerning Ulbricht’s case. Irrespective of what happens next, this development has sparked off a meaningful discussion on crypto and justice in America going forward.

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Good thoughts, you have good points balancing both sides. Ulbricht's actions certainly caused harm, but his sentence does seem excessive.
As to Trump's motivations - in my opinion, he seems to do whatever is best for himself. In this case, probably trying to garner support from the crypto community. So while it may not be genuine - his pro crypto stance I believe is actually good for America.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Thanks for engaging with my post!

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