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RE: Lost the battle - The war continues

in Toys on Hive3 years ago

Back when I was a kid I had a cousin. Between about the time we had money in our pocket until I was 22, we'd buy each other a $5 gift for Christmas. Man we got creative. One time I went to the sticker shop and got two printed just so I could pay the difference on mine and get his for $5. Coolest shopping stories I have are gonna be those years buying that $5 gift.

About the only game Pura and I will play is scrabble unless we're out somewhere and they're playing a game. Video games, to this day, just ain't my thing. I'd rather draw or something.

Strategy games, I can't get enough, especially chess. Cribbage, backgammon, dominoes, oh I love me some dominoes!

Ok, well, I gotta go now. I've been awake a few hours and haven't signed into yet.


I like the idea of small-value gifts like that...Makes one get creative can be a lot of fun.

We play a bit of scrabble too but it's not much fun playing Scrabble with me for Faith, she calls me the dictionary. We play some chess too, I've been tea her her to play. She's getting pretty good and has won some games...The pupil beating the teacher! 🤣