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RE: Extra-limbed Characters: Szaltax

in Toys on Hive3 years ago

Thank you! I do both! I often visit the toy mecca at Greenhills Shoppesville, and regularly scour toy stores like Toy Kingdom and Toys R Us. I also find a lot of great stuff on ebay, Amazon, and Facebook Marketplace. For this particular one, I found it on a post by an online seller that I regularly follow on FB. These local online sellers usually have rare stuff such as this, as well as vintage stuff. Thanks for liking!


Oh my gosh, I bet your collection costs you thousands already! 😨

The collection was already too big by the time I realized it, and I have already spent hundreds of thousands on them. And to think I only started really binge buying last 2019. They'll be the topic of posts for years to come. 200++ figures to go!

Damn!!!! I might end up like you in the future. Im collecting crystals but Ive stopped at the moment because its addicting! 🤪

I try to temper my action figure-collecting addiction myself! Though I found that it is fun to toe the line between enjoying them immensely and getting too obsessed. Do you collect crystals for their aesthetic value, or do you use them for some energy work? It would be interesting to see your collection if it is allowable!