A Warrior prince

in Awakening Poetry3 months ago



A prince warrior

Father said, "Dont compare a warrior with a prince"

What is pain father asked?
It is an unpleasant feeling, I answered

He continued

What feeling is felt in war? He asked
Pain and defeat
Pain and victory
I answered

Then Father said, " Dont compare a warrior with a prince "
Who has maids and ladies?
The prince, I said

What did warriors have?
Warriors and weapons just like him

So look where you have been, where you are and all the positions you meet yourself

Things might look indifferent though
But you have led and still leading where you are

You have followers that you mentor
You top chat anywhere you meet yourself

You sit with powerful people knowing or unknowingly

Your significance is not to be compared
You are both a warrior and a prince

The war you are fighting
You have won it before and warriors like you can testify

You are a warrior prince