
I think the point is, if nobody reads their stuff, is it worth anything?

Hmmmm. Some OK stuff can go without a comment, sadly. Not sure this operation minds, less work in the reply zone.

Do you think anything posted to Hive is read after the initial week? For that matter, how much stuff is read after the upvoting fury of the first five minutes?

Who knows. I can only speak for myself.

I don't go digging for posts unless I'm looking for something. Even for content creators on mainstream media. I don't usually go digging for older stuff unless there's a reason to.

Imagine in every blog page, on the side it displayed 3 random paid-out posts of that user that had 0 comments.
We could title it "Be the conversation starter:" and display those posts under it.

See if @peakd or @blocktrades wanna work with that idea on their frontends.

You can scramble enough to get through a plagiarism checker.