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RE: If you were given $100,000 to invest in something for three years before being able to sell, what would it be?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

That sounds like an excellent use of the funds. It is a pressing time for all of us but those at risk must have extra concerns. I hope you have family/friends who are supplying you with what you need.

Be safe, and have a good week too :)


Yes, I have great family support. My children understand the need to keep the social distancing guidelines when it pertains to visiting me since they are still out there in the workforce.

Myself, I've been staying in and others provide for my needs, i.e. picking up my meds and shopping for groceries. We're doing this as a family.

I have several family members in other cities who have been infected. It's a trying time for everyone right now.

Somehow, I just can't think about wealth when so many lives are at risk who have underlying conditions. The outlook is bleak for them.

Thanks for your engagement on this issue. Stay safe.