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RE: If you were given $100,000 to invest in something for three years before being able to sell, what would it be?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

not sure what are the rules for that. here we always wrote it 100.000,00$ so that is 100K. and i am not sure about the rules :D

i am not in the bananas business but i am sure you could get like 500 Tons for that money. now is 500 tons of bananas a mountain? probably not


In Canada it would be $100000.00 We used to use a comma like this $100,000.00 and sometimes still do. So basically one of us is backwards but we don't know who.

Man... The things I could do with 500 tons of bananas.

Living the dream!

I'm good with either of those, but $100.000, that's a hundred dollars in my book.

That confusion would most certainly hold up a few lines at the bank.

And at this point you hold the place up, with a banana, obvs.

Everyone down on the floor or I'll fill you with potassium!

Best offer I've had in a while!