
2/3 posts a day, have you got it in you? :D

Hahah no, my job ensures that I don’t have the time to do that. I’ve been waiting since August last year for shit to calm down and it hasn’t.... thankful for having a solid job but sometimes I need a break to do things I like such as posting and researching something to post lol

Yeah, Fiat is the priority for now. Hopefully you'll get a bit more time to research/post at some point. I'm bad, at home all day and still can't find something to post sometimes.

I’m at home but working, thankfully. We might actually be permanently at home now which will be fantastic for me since I have a long commute to the office.

I’ve been meaning to research privacy crypto like Monero but it’s been a couple weeks since I started looking into it lol I still haven’t written the first sentence hehe

Yeah I'm hoping that I'm able to work at home a few days a week in the future, even thought my commute isn't so bad.

Make time and focus - so much easier said than done!