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RE: What Kind of Content will Attract New People to Hive?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

I think the content where people can find answers to their question. Of we search something on Google and if that search can lead people to Hive that will be a great success. Now, not everyone is good at SEO or even most of us don't know about it because there you need to do so many things like add Keywords, short or even long, add Meta etc. But what we can actually do is to answer the common questions in a simple way and thus might be it can attract more users outside the Hive Community.


You hit the nail on the head! I'd like to see us add to the crypto-niche and become a resource that many people can use. If we keep it up, I think we'll get there.

Yes sure we can become a crypto niche or any niche if we can together do it.