What are your favorite prank videos?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

Some years ago there was a wave of prank videos from Youtubers that it seemed every popular Youtube guy was doing them. Names like Vitaly and Roman Atwood were extremely popular during those times.

This trend naturally cooled off eventually but some of those pranks were really awesome and original. Examples of my favorite ones from that Youtube era are the following ones:

The zombie prank from Vitaly was deleted from his channel but it was uploaded here:

Roman Atwood was also an awesome prankster. These 2 are one of his best videos

This one has a 1-minute intro so make sure to skip it

I wonder what are your favorite prank videos?

There was also an Italian prankster who produced a lot of killer clown videos but I am checking their channel and they appeared to have deleted them sadly. There are still a few of their pranks available such as this one:

I wonder what are your favorite prank videos from that Youtube pranks golden era?


My favorite ones are those done in good faith with respect of the targets dignity. I hate watching people get torn down and humiliated, I like everyone to feel good

Filthyfrank always:

Or Rémi Gaillard: