What was the most random drink you had?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

         Everyone has some inner commie going on. Right? Nah, I'm kidding.

         Digging through my photo archives, I came across this picture. It's one of those times I ordered a random drink from a random establishment I can't recall. There was a time during my university days that I tried out different places with friends each week. I can't even remember the name of the place that carried Leninade.


         The truth is, I was looking for a picture of a tree house in Provo, but I cannot find it. I happened to come across this instead.

Anyways, what is the most random drink you have had in your life?

         Show some pictures if you can.


I don't have a picture unfortunately, but many years ago on a hot summer day I stopped into a small deli in Queens, NY to get something cold to drink. It was a heavily Jamaican area, and all they had were a variety of Jamaican sodas that were all totally unfamiliar to me. I grabbed one at random, and it turned out to be D&G Jamaican ginger beer. It wasn't entirely my cup of tea, but it had a very interesting flavor and it wasn't bad.

Ginger beers have such a wide range of variety. You definitely have tried one in a million.

I was at a tuna restaurant and the chef came into our room, started carving a tuna head and handing us chunks, he then ripped out the eye...he gave me a shot of sochu with some gold flakes and tuna eyeball juice in it.

I don’t know how I feel about this.

I said arrigato gojeri-mashita which is a bit of Japanese Korean

That picture is priceless. Oh my heavens.
I'm rather cautious about what I consume, but remember attending a party at someone's house, someone I didn't know. I went with my sister and her friend (maybe I was 20?). They were serving homemade drinks and I had what was supposed to be a screwdriver. Drinking was not my thing, but I did drink a few of those.
On the drive home, we had to stop the car because I was sick.
Drinking is still not my thing :))

Drinking is not my thing either.

Do you remember if tasted good? It looks almost the same color as Fanta Orange Soda.

It was kinda like that. I do recall drinking the whole thing and kept it as part of my bottle collection until I got rid of it.

Lol. I haven't order or taken drinks at random. I've always been precised and picky with what I drink.

Then, you are not living life dangerously.

Lol. What can I say. I'm just a spring-chicken at 20 who's just getting to learn about life himself. So ama want to go slow and steady.

If you don't mind, can you share what life at 20 was like for you over there?

When I was 20, I was actually working in the U.K. So, that life was a bit different from my peers who were in the States.

But, I’d assume uni life.

My uni life was a balance of work and school. Later, research and lab work were involved. I wasn’t one of the party types.

Wow. That was quite a unique an simple lifestyle. Love 'em both

Haha, that is pretty funny, Lenninade. I didn't get it at first, but now I do. Was the place you had this actually in Russia or was it in the US?

That was actually in the US. Provo, Utah, in fact.

Gotcha, Provo the city. I didn't know if there was an area across the ocean with that name. My apologies!

I ordered a cherry coke and I got a vanilla cherry coke and it was awful.

They sell it in that combination?

I personally dislike most cherry flavours.

I like Cherry Coke because my taste buds are sensitive and Coke varies so much I just don't want to take a chance. But Vanilla Cherry Coke, holy crap it's bad. People love it though for some reason.

I like the vanilla kind and the vanilla orange. Don’t think I can do vanilla cherry either.