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RE: What Kind of Content will Attract New People to Hive?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago (edited)

I've never used PeakD, but since it's a webpage, I don't see why not. Aside from the first H1 tag, what you see is simply me using markdown. When I was on Blogger back in the early Bitcoin days, I was unemployed and had endless free time to play with SEO.

On Steemit/Hive as a busy (sometimes working) student, the blockchain is a whole different animal. I had not used the tag knowingly since my Blogger days, until I saw your question and it reminded me to drop it in at the top, which is why I gave you the deep dive link in case you wanted to learn more from an expert who uses that everyday.

On Steemit, it was so hard at the start to get attention. Since this is the blockchain, and the general public doesn't have an upvote, at the onset, you're trying to write posts and be seen against the masses of low-effort posts out there.

That first year in 2017 was really hard, with nobody seeing my stuff, let alone upvoting it. Then just as I was about to give up, someone from Australia dropped a nice upvote on a post which boosted my morale and kept me going.

Now, with limited time, I write the post, and then test titles out on Google. While putting the post together, I keep the search engines in mind. If you write more than just a paragraph or two, you will naturally use enough keywords/phrases to give Google something to chew on.

Now that I have a little support, my goal is to help bring new users to Hive. Between classes and work, the enemy is time...