How do you feel about latest drama on STEEM ?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

We had STEEM do a HF to freeze some accounts money.
Then we had the account be hacked (entered) and send money to Bittrex.

Now we have a waiting game on what Bittrex does.

What is your stance ?


Ask me again in 4 weeks :)

It is hard to even comment to some accounts in steem @kingscrown I am taking heat from people like pfunk and even downvoted one of my post here in hive.
So much hate, distrust, cussing, and I do not want that.

of course, flagging is one thing or flag wars.. doesnt mean u should have hate for someone of wish him bad stuff

There's nothing like latest drama on STEEM, because drama is the continuous state of STEEM. I'm very happy that we have HIVE, and that I did the move.

theres some dramas here just smaller ;)

It's not doing good for the confidence on both sides.
I think most people who are normal users of the blogging platform are bit at a lost. Some choose do something, some wait and see.

u are right, a lot of people ask me to explain this ;x

It's hard to explain human behavior.

so true :D

I am not surprised anymore. I am thinking also that the hacking could be an inside job to throw the responsibility over to bittrex for the funds supposedly stolen. The way I see it there are two outcomes:

  1. bittrex sends back the money to community123 and takes no responsibility at all in this drama.
  2. profiting from the whole situation and make itself a great image it could do the job with the help of what is talked about as proof of ownership and split the 23 million STEEM to their owners. You know what's funny with the second option? If that happens in less than a month, users like @darthknight and @therealwolf would be able to get their funds back faster than through a complete four weeks power down.

Anyways there will be a massive dump of STEEM on the market.

thanks, interesting thoughts

I feel bad. People might not want to touch Steem again.

Don't really care.

I have no assets on STEEM at the moment so I'm taking a chill pill.

The politics and drama on STEEM is nerve wracking.

oh yes the drama... but thats how social media is kind of. just there is more of that there than usual ;)

My feelings in my post yesterday 😀

Man hard to talk about so much hate on both sides. I just want to post my stuff and engage with people that like it. Earning a bit while we do it. Not sure worth getting into the fight.

yeah i get ya

I do not understand. will there be another Hard Fork on STEEM? if YES, what will the new blockchain be called?

no its just change of code

Thanks for reply

no problem!

I think bittrex will need us all up and return the find to community123 account. That's what I could read from their read up

i understood that too but this can change of course

If steem can do it, hive can do it.
Same shit.

Posted Using LeoFinance

same but a bit different :)

Sunny boy can buy hive too.

Posted Using LeoFinance

I think bittrex will return the funds, they eventually will because the pressure will be too much from the hive community if you ask me. They'll stall a bit and Justin Sun will try to bribe them but they'll eventually return it.

i think its about lawyers job up there

Negative vibes make posting feel crappy.

yeah i hate those too

It's bad for a block chain as a whole, people will start trusting it less if the things like this continues.

yeah esp if SEC comes due to this mess and makes all DPOS a security or something

this says everything:


I suggest everyone delete Steemit, bc do you really want JS profiting from your intellectual property? I don't.

u were not marke on any list.. WOW

yeah, but i commented a lot recently, i guess that is what did it.