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RE: If you were given $100,000 to invest in something for three years before being able to sell, what would it be?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

I am absolutely rubbish in investing in anything, truth be told. I'm naive, and idealistic. But - in an ideal world, you know, the one where i had 100 k to invest, I'd think - what if we all invested into something different - not the obvious stock market/real estate blah blah, but something that could really change the world as we know it? Because those things are far higher risk, BUT if we threw everything we had at it, because ultimately we believed in a better way of doing things, then that faith could translate into something really amazing. I'm not saying I know what that is.

Either that or Tesla sounds good.


You speak the crazy talk :P Well yes, that would be awesome, but this 100k is to make you massive profits, so you can sit in a castle and call everyone else losers.

It's a very good point though, although I suspect you will be the only one thinking this way, which is while I have given you the seal of a goodun' today :)

Aw, thanks for my seal. xxx

Calling everyone else losers? I'd be more likely to invite them over for dinner and give all my money away.

Omg, we ordered pies from Pie Minister this week, don't know why, but I thought of you.

haha, yes, yes you would :D

Pies? And you thought of me? Is that because you know I'm not a fan of pastry enclosed whatevers!?

WHAT!!!! How is that possible!!! I just thought they'd go well with your beers....

How can you not like pies????