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RE: If the person you most cared for died, would you be content with the way you have treated them?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

This is one of the reasons why I nudge people when I'm under the impression they're going too far any given direction :)

Along those lines, a few years ago I figured "when I die I'm not going to give a toss about the state of the house, but I'm going to regret not giving my project a red hot crack forever" and that's what triggered me stopping my business and not caring about having a "spotless" or even neat house (it's mostly hygienic and stuff is out of the way and sometimes even organised but will never look like my parents' or inlaws' houses) and going hard on the project and that easily expanded to how I should be concentrating more on the kids and trying to remember how to be fun (because I got old and forgot).

Now I just need to find more time to spend on my partner and him likewise, we're catching a lot more quality seconds and sometimes even minutes now that he's working from home though XD

We're all probably doing way too much (another random thought that occurred to me after countless times complaining either internally or externally how there's never enough time in the day, and then wondering if there's not enough time or if I'm doing too much) but apparently propping up the economy at all costs is more important than anything else could ever hope to be.



I read this as "punch" ;D

that easily expanded to how I should be concentrating more on the kids and trying to remember how to be fun (because I got old and forgot).

Scope creep in the right direction, I would predict.

The economy is a trap for us all - we can't seem to live without it, but living with it sucks ass in its current form.


Punching only works if the direction you want someone to move is floorwards XD

Humans shouldn't scope, only projects, and even then XD

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