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RE: Ask the Hive: why isn´t Steem price crashing?

I'll answer you with some questions, as the quality of our questions is more valuable than our answers.

Who is in control of the token's price? Answer: Exchanges, by using automatic market maker bots. It's not a surprise to me that they are trying to maintain an equilibrium between both tokens (Hive/Steem).

Why do you think that hive should have more value than steem? It's the same code, people posting good and bad content and getting rewards from a pool. Here, people are more intelligent to abuse. Sadly, hivers give juicy upvotes to the posts after 3-4 days to not be on trending. 😁

We have to deal with our abusers too, there are enormous jerk circles like Honeybee and Backscratcher trails upvoting a lot of shitposts with high rewards. 👻

Hive a beautiful day!


You are right, we have some issues here on Hive too of course. Even some pretty big issues. But still, a lot of promising development has been going on here compared to nothing but rewards farming on Steem... It´s just my opinion but I really believe that Hive has much higher value and potential than Steem. Only time will tell though.

Thanks for your contribution, have a great day too :)