Is there a virus on the Hive-Engine?

Dear All,
today when I opened the "token" page of Hive-Engine (to check the daily volumes of the top tokens) I got this virus warning (in German) from my antivirus software:


G data internet security which runs on my machine in the background didn´t let me open the site!

Other pages with the H-E (wallet, explorer,...) worked normally. It also didn´t happen with

So my question is: Did this happen to anybody else here or is G data just over-protective?

Maybe @aggroed, if he is not overloaded with other issues, can share a thought here?


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Late to the party on this one, but there was no hack, the site is safe. The issue is that token creators can link to remote images for their tokens, if they link to a site seemed unsafe, it'll see the request and warn you.

Maybe something newly uploaded by aggroed following the recent hack episode

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wenn ich mich richtig erinner, hatte aggroed vergessen die domain zu verlängern.
Vielleicht hat sie jetzt wer anders übernommen?

Not seen anything here.

I've never seen anything like that in 3 years. Maybe some firewall is treating it as threat.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmmm. This is strange. Curious if others had this also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Das passiert weil die ganzen Token-Icons auf externe Webseiten verlinken. In dem Fall ist das diese Domain, auf die dein Antivirus Programm (?) den Zugriff nicht erlaubt und deshalb HE nicht lädt

Ja, vermutlich, aber warum erst jetzt?

Also ich hatte das früher schon gehabt. Vermutlich hatte früher dein Anti Virus die Seiten einfach nicht markiert? Ich kann zurzeit z.B. die Tokens Seite öffnen ohne eine Warnung zu bekommen.