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RE: If you were given $100,000 to invest in something for three years before being able to sell, what would it be?

3 years is a long time and things will be drastically different. Over that time, we can expect the stock market to run since people will lose confidence in government moving away from bonds.

Real estate is going to have issues.

You picked mine, I would drop $100K into Tesla.

In fact, I am looking for an entry point to load up on that out of a retirement account.

Cryptocurrency is going to do well over that time, it is just choosing which one. Ethereum and BTC are the safest choices if I had to guess but hard to see how things turn out for each individual crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance


I agree with real estate looking one to avoid, it's had a decade long run here in the UK. My company have already pulled plans to buy more office space after seeing that business can run effectively with many working from home.

Tesla look set for a good decade or 5 :)