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RE: If you were given $100,000 to invest in something for three years before being able to sell, what would it be?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

My opinion, Bitcoin is the best investment, the scarcity of it makes it insurance against Quantitative easing, Bitcoin can't be printed and the money that they print will, sooner or later, find its way to Bitcoin, and the price will rise. After buying Bitcoin I would also leverage it and put it on a peer-2-peer lending platform like Celsius and get CEL tokens as interest on Bitcoin, which is even better...

Besides Bitcoin, I like gold but that's boring... and SP500 ETFs, amazon, google, Microsoft,facebook have a lot of IP that has real value, and having a share in them is always great... if the world goes to shit, the companies that provide us everything will, in my opinion, be the last ones to go down...

Posted Using LeoFinance


Sounds like a fair assessment to me. I like Peer-to-peer lending, a friend has been doing it for a decade with Zopa (Think it was/is called something else) and has done really well just letting the interest compound.

One company for everything sounds scary, but at least we wouldn't have to ask/hear 'ooooooooh, where did you get that from?' :)