How late do you sleep in the night?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

There are many health issues around sleeplessness. I have watched some scary facts about sleeping late or not getting enough sleep. But I am not the kind of person that sleeps well. I can count the number of times I have had siesta this year.


It has been part of me to sleep late in the night. I was not like that before, but since I started doing technical stuff, I turned to nightwatchman. I am even better now because I had some health issues and I was advised to be sleeping if I want to live. There were times I will be up till 4 am, and when I sleep by that 4 am, I will wake and bounce on the street 7 am. Despite all, I still sleep late.


Night has been the time to brainstorm, implement and build. I am working slowly to sleep 8hours a day, but this might take a while.

How late do you sleep in the night?


I sleep at 11:00 AM sharp, and that's my routine, but again waking up depends on weekdays or weekends. If it's weekday I wake up around 7 AM whereas on weekends I tend to sleep more and usually get up around 8 to 9 AM

I like your your routine, and I would love to practice your method.

Yes I have been following it for quite some time now.

Please try and rest more. I sleep like a chicken. Lol. I don’t care sometimes. Lol

I remember when I’ll be teaching a class and I am so tired, I would give them an assignment and rush to the bathroom and close my eyes.. 🤣

I remember when I’ll be teaching a class and I am so tired, I would give them an assignment and rush to the bathroom and close my eyes.. 🤣

This is funny!

Well, I am adjusting, and would try to sleep more. Thanks!