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RE: Another Notch on the Wall

in The Man Cave3 years ago

Too lazy to find and link back that School of Life video from YT discussing about how our parents didn't get their shit together and just went through the same dramas as we do when they were our age.

The gist was that our world and needs weren't great and are easily satisfied so it made our providerd become models of competence in our eyes when they just do not so ordinary things like feed, cloth and play with us. Behind closed doors they argue and deal with life's demands like we do now.

Never understood this concept until I realized how much I took for granted my folk's sacrifice just to provide for my needs. Now I respect them more for keeping themselves sane and capable. Not ideal models but they did their best to provide and couldn't ask for more.

BTW, cooking those steam buns are probably the most Asian thing I've seen you did so far lol. I immediately called those 'siopao' from our local name for the food.


Haha with my parents, they tended to have an air of arrogance and “know it all” even when that’s not true.

Well, they are baozi in my tongue, so there’s that.

The arrogance thing can be excused partly. They need to air authority once in a while just to take control even when it's unfounded. We do that on some situations and it's unconscious at times.

When I have kids of my own. I already foresee me saying "cause I said so, or I know so" when difficult questions come.

Baozi. That's my trivia for the day. I think I vaguely remember hearing the word somewhere but never stuck what it meant. Now I know.