Finding What Was Lost

in The Man Cave3 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to celebrate finding something that I thought I lost!


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Finding What Was Lost

I wanted to celebrate the joy of finding something we forgot that we had LOL. I found a USB with a bunch of old stuff on it that I wanted!

Several months back, Galen had asked me if I could update the Rant community to remove him as one of the admins. I was a little sad to see the request but also knew that the dude has a lot of stuff going on and wasn't really in a position to admin that community on top of the various other ones he has started and runs on a daily and weekly basis. That was fine so I went to get the key for it, as I didn't have it saved in my keychain app on my new laptop but sadly it wasn't there!


Did I just make a ROOKIE mistake?! Did I lose my freaking keys?!? Damn it I was so mad hahaha. I went through all kinds of steps and things to try and reset the keys so that I could use the account again but alas, I did not have the Owner key, nevermind the other keys needed to actually reset it. The recovery account was configured but not much help if you don't have one of the keys required. I was pretty upset about it, honestly because I made a bozo mistake by losing a damn set of keys!

Fast forward a few months and I was doing some cleaning. As most people that live in the world today have, we have USB sticks up the wazoo and we store them in a computer accessories box. A lot of the sticks have various pictures, videos and the like on them as most people do. I don't know what made me want to do it, but I decided to plug a few in and see what was on the damn things. Was it just a bunch of useless things and I could wipe it out? I went through and found some random ones, plenty of pictures and things that we likely forgot about haha.


Then I plugged one in and it shocked me! It was all of the files from my old laptop that I forgot I backed up!!! I knew I did it at the time, but that was a few years ago and I thought I actually put them on a different USB drive, so when I plugged in the one that I thought they were on and didn't see them, I was dismayed for sure. With the discovery that they were actually on this other USB the whole time, I was fucking pumped! There were a bunch of things on there that I forgot I also backed up which was awesome but the important thing was that of all the Communities I've created, the only one that I didn't have stored for keys in the other locations was the damn Rant community, the only one that is still active today LOL I was pissed!

I was able to remove Galen from the admin role there, as well as River so that they didn't feel the need or pressure to have it at the top of their list so that absolutely worked out.


I definitely learned a lesson that day though, and one that we should all relate to: back up your stuff, but REMEMBER where these things are backed up to hahaha. I've got the USB in a better place now, and have backed the files up to the proper drive that I thought they were on originally so that I can make sure to keep a closer eye on them. It's still good to have them in multiple places though!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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What a Great joy to always find that which you thought you have already lost

Yeah that's for sure! I was glad I didn't lose it forever haha

It's like a mini reunion with your old stuffs lol. Stuffs you thought you've lost forever. I backup my stuffs in different locations and make notes in my head on where to find them, attaching signposts can help when it comes finding them.

Haha yeah I normally do that, especially because if I get hit by a car or drop dead my wife knows what to do to take control of the funds that she has to keep an eye on lol. This one was just a lapse in my normal protocol but I'm making steps to correct it for sure!

Let me just assume that the light was too full and that’s why you got shocked
Thanks for reminding me to always back up my stuffs
It is really important

Yeah it's always things like this that remind us to back up our stuff, especially locally! Do not trust cloud anything, it's just somebody else's computer!

Lol nice find 😂. The worst feeling in the world when you know you're locked out and likely never able to get back in.

Hahah yeah.. I was in that mode for sure! I’m glad I did do the backup but now it’s backed up in more than one spot so that’s always a relief lol.

Remember that if you want to earn $LEO tokens you gotta post from fren!

Yeah I know, I need leo to fix the post scheduling though, I’ve mentioned before. I schedule most of my posts, so most days I need that to publish my post.

That huge joy for you to finally see that which you have been looking for do long

Indeed it is!