Monochrome Monday Drained Reservoir

in The Man Cavelast year

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some pictures of a reservoir that's been drained!

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Monochrome Monday Drained Reservoir

One of the things that I've found a little strange is that living in New England, a lot of the lakes and reservoirs that are around us are managed in the wintertime by draining them quite considerably for whatever reason. This reservoir is no different!

Doing some internet research, I guess one of the reasons that the lakes and reservoirs in New England are drained in the wintertime is so that it can protect the coastal areas and places that are desirable to fish and swim and stuff. Living here my whole life and I had no idea lol I thought they did it just to be a pain in the ass.

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This reservoir here is one that we came upon when we were going out for some family photos at a local tree farm. It turns out, just randomly, that this is one of the reservoirs that a family member of mine used to love going fishing! I don't remember it that much because I haven't fished here that often, maybe once or twice with my dad and maybe once with my uncle and dad (he really was my great uncle but we just called him uncle). It brought back some fond memories of my uncle who passed away last year, although he was a pretty good old age of 82 or 83 so he lived quite a good life. He was an avid fisherman though! He was constantly up at the crack of dawn or earlier and out in his truck heading to all kinds of destinations along the Massachusetts and New Hampshire waterways looking for some fish to snag!

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Getting to randomly see this reservoir after so many years of not, was a nice way to remember him and tell my son a few stories about his great-great uncle and how good of a fisherman he was. It also was interesting having a walk around the area and seeing the various tree stumps and things that were here. This was likely just a bunch of woods and the town cut down the trees and filled it with clay and started a reservoir. They've done that a bunch of times with the waterbodies in southern New England which makes sense, you need a lot of water to support the many millions of people that live in this area!

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It was a fun trip that was completely unplanned but ended up being a really nice bit of reminiscing for me. The little man is always eager to get outside and especially when he can explore some bodies of water he's down! What ended up being brutal was since we were going to take photos afterwards, the little man of course got a little dirty in the mud! My wife was pissed lol but thankfully it worked out, it was only his pant leg that got dirty!

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My son likes water a lot too. He doesn’t like the fact that we don’t allow him to get soaking wet in winter, like we do when it is a warm summer day 😅🤪 he likes summer a lot more than winter 😉

Hahah our boys are a lot alike then I reckon! My son is a little stink in that he’s always trying to splash in the puddles, walk into the little rivers and all that. Just the other day we went on a hike and it was cold but that didn’t stop him from stepping into a little stream. Thankfully his boots are waterproof but it was annoying lol

Thanks for stopping by man, hope you and the fam are well!

I think they are quite alike indeed 😊

We’re doing ok. It looks like things are improving.

By the way, how are the brawl sps rewards?

Wow, awesome 👍

Concerning d referral to it work

Thanks! It was a nice spot to take some pictures.

Presearch is good, you search the internet like you would Google except you use Presearch and you earn some crypto to do it. If you use my referral link you will start with 25 PRE tokens. If you don't use my link you start with 0 so that's good to use my link!