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RE: Beautifully Random Foliage

in The Man Cave3 months ago

Very well said my friend! Dialogue is CRUCIAL for us to undertake in order to see how we can change our opinions but also it forces us to have to think deeper about our opinions and evaluate what we understand about them, in order to explain it to somebody else. That's why people that are on the "left" side in countries like America and England get so furious. Their positions are weak at best, downright fragile at worst and they get pissed off because it's like a religion, you cling to the belief but not the sound concepts behind it, if there are any.

For the tax system - we could solve it all by doing two things: have a flat tax every adult man and woman and company pays. 7% or 10% whatever it is. We can then divvy that up in tax "elections" by saying that we will dedicate 10% of that amount of tax that we pay to program A, 10% to program B and so on, choosing what we are funding and what we are not funding. It's a long shot but it's such a crucial step forward that gives people CHOICE. We can CHOOSE to fund the roads, the police, the schools and completely opt-out of funding the military, libraries and other things as an example if we desire it. This is a difficult hill to climb but I think we can start on it with small scale groups like a town and build it up from there.


Indeed, it could be an excellent idea. On paper at least. But you're right, it could be difficult to implement. For one thing, how would a flat tax affect low-income earners, large families, pensioners, etc.? It's not easy to answer, but with what we have now, there would be huge inequalities. Very rich people would become richer, while poorer people would become poorer.

On the other hand, citizen participation in budgeting and monitoring public spending could considerably improve transparency and accountability.

In any case, it's all very interesting. It's a shame I don't know enough about politics. It would help me understand a lot of things in everyday life!

The flat tax would save most people money except the highest earners. No tax breaks or loopholes. Most people that are low wage or pensioners pay more than that in taxes as it is already so this flat tax or 7% would actually be an improvement for them.

I suppose it would depend on the country. In France, the poorest people pay no tax, which is very advantageous. And I think introducing a tax of 7% or 10% would just end up generating a revolt, something I don't want to see. And yet, I get the impression that we're pretty close to it, listening to everything that's going on in my country.

The people most affected by taxes are the middle class. At the end of the day, the lower middle class has a harder time getting by at the end of the month than the poorest.