Bathroom building updates - almost done!

in The Man Cave2 years ago

Today I am in Ibague looking to renew my ID document which 'expires' at the end of this year. It doesn't really expire, as I am a permanent resident of Colombia, but it is a good excuse to come into the State capital and pay some tribute to the ones who feel like they run the place.

But I see on my phone quite a lot of unpublished construction pics, so I want to share some progress with you all today!


When we last left off, the block work was done and cement plaster was being applied.

Since then, we have had a busy two weeks, including bringing up more material with my trusty Nissan, more on that in a future post.


More horses, more sand, a bit more cement and we are almost done! Boy that cement plaster eats a lot of sand!

Last week the electricians came and went as well.


Plus, the counter top was framed, and poured.


By the end of last week, we also had the metalsmith bring up and install the doors and windows!


None of this was uneventful, we had two cars break down during the process, the first guy drove off the road while talking on his cell phone, the second had his newly installed breaks go out. Luckily, none of the tile was broken in the meantime.


From there we spent a whole day bringing up boxes of tile on our shoulders. That was a long day!


Oh, plus the septic tanks and the toilets. Its all up there now!!


The doors and windows were poured, they are cemented in now. In fact, the door frames were cemented in, we'll still.have to hang the doors when we are ready.


I started this post yesterday, we headed to Ibague and submitted my paperwork renewal. From what I hear they were tiling all day yesterday and will continue today.

I took advantage and tamed my mane, I'll give you a selfie so you won't fail to recognize me.


We took advantage of an art exposition in the Central Bank - I have never been in the central bank before. I was thinking of asking 'where do you make the bitcoins?', but we only saw security personelle.


More updates coming about the tile, year's end activities and more, plus I can't wait to share what the officials at the Migration office told me about Covid, but that's for another day.

Freedom and Friendship!


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Amazing progress and phenomenal work achieving your dreams and goals thank you very much for sharing and we really appreciate your content work and life.

Can't wait to see you more high quality content as well as some huge moves coming from you.

I !LUV the shorter beard.
You look great like that.

Is that your black dog in the top photo?

Yes! His name is Totoro :)

Oh. I !LUV that name.

thanks for sharing :)

Amazing, you done a ton of progress since last month, really impressive !


That looks like a ton of work, very rewarding work I bet. The progress you made is awesome.

Looking forward to seeing more updates, all the best!

Yo Eco, where’s the beard? You crazy style icon ;))

They don’t make Bitcoin, the Storch is bringing them wink

I just wanted to see the look on their faces to the question!

Did they even know?

I only saw security guards so I ended up not asking....

Did not know you where building your own house. Here have a slice of !PIZZA

is that your dog in the first photos or just a stray? we have a lot of similar looking in here :)

Its our dog, we have 6 now with 3 new puppies 🤦🤦

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 85 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @ecoinstant, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @ecoinstant, here is a little bit of BEER from @olympicdragon for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@cooperclub(2/14) tipped @ecoinstant (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!


Highest Regards !

Natural Living.jpg

I'm still working towards something similar here in the good'ol US of Amerika!


Thank you Frank! That adobe looks really eye catching, like something from another epoch!