I'm thinking about going 'reply-guy' on twitter

in The Man Cavelast year (edited)

So I am really thinking about HIVE and HIVE marketing, and I have been using twitter for a bit, just recently gotten involved in POSH, and @acidyo confirmed I wasn't blacklisted - and I am now thinking about paying $8 per month.... am I crazy?


Honestly I think I am a good candidate. For one, I am a pretty good reply-guy. I am proficient at https://imgflip.com/memegenerator and I think I can strike the right balance between witty and conciliatory. I have 369 followers as of today, so I guess time will tell....

My goals will be

1-2 tweets per day
3-5 retweets/quote tweets per day
40+ replies per day

I think the reply-guy stuff is huge, and right now is probably the best time to give it a shot. I am also working with some people to get more regular content on my youtube channel, so I will be able to cross promote from there.

And of course my HIVE blogs.

But I don't think I will be doing explicitly HIVE marketing. I will try to reply-guy in a feed that I have selected, between crypto-politics-finance-esoteric topics, and I will mention only HIVE when there is no other choice, but will link to peakd articles from HIVE.

I will also try to be witty on these topics often without mentioning HIVE. My goal is to be seen as a 'fun guy'.

I need your help

As I do this, I will need all of your help. Firstly, I will need good gifs and images, many of which are already being produced by the community. Feed them to me as they get created!

Two, for those of you that are on twitter, please be my reply-guys, reply to me on twitter as much as you can. This should put the boosting effects of engagement on logarithmic charts.

What advice do I need?

What do you know that I don't? What should I be aware of before I begin - or as I'm getting started?


Tell me everything in the comments below. I will be starting soon.

Freedom and Friendship


Been thinking about it as well, at least just to be able to write a bit longer tweets as I'm not really known for keeping my sentences short around here. :P

That said posh will unfortunately hit quite a roadblock soon due to twitter's API changes so we may have to go back to asking authors and sharers to manually place comments with twitter embeds that we'll curate instead and distribute some tokens out at the same time.

I know you will keep building and do the best you can! Even here on the blockchain, the constant updates make certain methods and strategies obsolete with regularity, the key is our dedication to adapt - Keep it up!

Good luck bro

If you don't follow @doze they're always making cool Hive graphics!
I have left Bird App, last I heard the blue checks were a cluster so I don't know if anyone takes them seriously for it to be worth it?

According to the new opensource algorithm, the boost to reach is real, and the best way to increase it besides this is to get lots of replies to lots of depth.

I do follow @doze! Does great work!

Its still web2 sociamedia, so pretty much a cluster, but I'm thinking of giving it a try anyway.

I think that's a great idea! 40 replies may sound like a big number at first but I think it can be fulfilled without you even noticing. As for me, my goal is to make 10 replies/day but I usually get sucked into this "replying frenzy" and exceed that 10 with ease.

I'll give you a follow there and keep in mind that content thing!

I think reply-guy mode is the way!

It is the way.