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RE: Evitando más tala de árboles, y mis primeros Bro

in The Man Cave4 years ago

With no time to translate fully what you have written here @jlufer, it appears you are following up on your comment to me about buying some BRO tokens. And, hopefully, encouraging your followers to consider doing the same.

If so, good job! 👍


How are you dear friend @roleerob, I appreciate from heart this pleasant visit.

I am commented that thanks to you, I was encouraged to make an investment in Bro, although it is not much, it is a start.

I also comment that I am working on the construction of a bar with reclaimed wood, using disused wood helps to avoid cutting down trees.

This piece of furniture that I am building I will present the post to accompany the contest that our friend @ecoinstant did
That's basically the summary of my post

I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend, that you enjoy it a lot

Okay, very good @jlufer. Sounds like a great project. I believe @ecoinstant does a lot of these types of projects. Since I think he lives in Columbia, I am sure he must also speak Spanish. He'll appreciate your submitting this post for his contest.

I hope you enjoy a great weekend, as well!

thank you very much your dear friend @roleerob that you have a beautiful day and enjoy it to the fullest

Seeing another message you have on your post @jlufer and to help a new BRO out (in case you are unaware), here is what was in your Blurt wallet:


Very primitive data formatting from the Blurt snapshot of the Steem blockchain, here is what it means:

BLURT: 0.107
BLURT POWER: 790.673

The Blurt blockchain has no equivalent to SBD ...

Thank you very much dear friend @roleerob did not know this information, you are very kind.
you enjoy your day a lot

Happy to help my fellow BRO! 😉 Here is what you will need, to get started, if you choose to do that:

Wallet -

Whaleshares Keychain - (using on the Brave browser)

Off into my day now. I hope yours is prosperous and productive @jlufer!