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RE: Scheduling Requirements

in The Man Cave12 days ago

I think I'm at this point in my life when I need to be scheduling posts...

The bad part is that I'm more of a "in the instant" kind of guy and can't write more than 2 long form content ahead.

I didn't know that scheduling on Inleo was broken but for some odd reason I kind of suspected it😂😂😂.

I do hope they fix it too cause I did intend to use it -whenever I start scheduling- to help get posts on time for the inleo monthly prompt.

P.S: For complaints like this, I believe it's faster to go to the discord community or on threads using (#feedback) tag..


Scheduling is really great! Just ask @ekavieka - I got him into scheduling his stuff and he hit a milestone of 1 full year of posting! Once you get into a flow, you can keep it going for quite some time.

I've given Leo plenty of #feedback in threads on scheduling being broken :D I will drop another comment there. I'm disappointed, as I wanted it to work.. oh well I'll try again in a few months, maybe September or October? Who knows..