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RE: Three examples of Social Conforming

in The Man Cavelast year

You can scream and make people conform. Watching specific News programs shows this is the case.

I know people that can quote an hour's newscast but can not remember what they ate for lunch.

Those Newscasts reach a lot of people. More people means your message must only stick to a few percentage points (people) for your doctrine to spread worldwide.

Once the majority is on the same page, it becomes incredibly harder to change a person's mind or open their mind to other possibilities.

While the group in control can use any means they want, i.e., name-calling, slander, and bullying, the opposing side must find a way to be heard in the sea of noise.

If they try and use the same tactics, their ideas will not be heard.

Do an experiment:

Listen to 5 minutes of CNN and 5 minutes of FoxNews.

Do NOT listen to what is said but the TONE in which it is said.

One has a very loud yelling tone, and the other has a very calm tone.

Now using just that information, how is one person to be heard?

If you figure that out.........the world will listen.

Just my not-awake thoughts.

Love you!! and thanks for the Flowers <3