Ink Illustration (Paris): When Isolation Really Starts Getting To You 🥺🗼

in Sketchbook4 years ago (edited)

Travelling places is something I really look forward to because it something which directly influences my artistic side. It works as fuel for my mind and soul. The painting below was sold at an exhibition and I really felt nostalgic when I saw these pictures today. Time really does fly fast I guess.

Even when I say that, I feel like the isolation and the repeat of routine everyday is finally getting to me now. (I am feeling particularly worse today since I have down with food poisoning since the past 3 days. Yay, lol.) We hit 83000 daily cases of Covid-19 in my country and it doesn’t seem to slow down anytime soon. But whatever said and done there is nothing we can do about it & just wait for the vaccination, I think.

Let me know what you guys think. I love to hear from you! 🧡

Let's connect on Instagram!





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Keep Creating

Lots Of Love <3


Manually curated by brumest from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for your constant support!

Nice point of view , many people have what inspires them to draw and I'm glad you've discovered yours.

I certainly did! Thank you very much :)

Beautiful work, thanks for sharing it. I enjoyed admiring it very much, in Venezuela we already have 6 months of quarantine for the covid as you are anxious to travel.

Thank you very much! Yeah tell me about it!
Doesn’t seem to slow down here in India too!

Good photo

Thank you

Nice sketch! I hope you will feel better after your food poisoning.

Thank you very much! 🧡🌸

You're welcome!