A Self portrait I drew on medical condition, few months ago.

in Sketchbook3 years ago
Authored by @Akazu


Hi everyone,
Happy Sunday to you all..

Anytime I look at this picture, the first thing that comes to my mind is; I don't have a permanent home in this world. I started this piece when I was down at home, taking medication. At the point when sickness almost scared life out of me.

A lot of negative thoughts were going through my mind, so I needed something to distract me, from the ugly situation.

I started working on this, feeling very weak and restless. Having no aim at perfection or details. But at some point I saw something reasonable on the sketch, so started paying attention to the movement of my pencil.

It took me three unhealthy days to complete this picture. I've kept it all this while because I don't have the processes. But I decided today to post it, because it not just picture of me, but a portrait with a story that will encourage someone.


Feel free to drop your comments and your votes also count🙏🥰

  I really appreciate folks
        Stay positive