Travelling Time - mandala art created in Krita

in Sketchbook4 years ago (edited)

Well, my Krita-journey goes on :-)

This is another one of the mandalas I created to explore my new favorite tool for digital painting.
It's just experimenting, but I like how it turned out.

I don't use this kind of color combination very often, I usually like the warm and earthy colors better. But this time I thought, I'd try something different :-)


I started on a new painting two days ago (not a mandala this time ^^), but at the moment there's actually not much time for creating.

We are travelling again, after some weeks of rest in Bulgaria, and on our way to Greece, to spend the winter in some warmer climate.
There's no heating system in our van, so we hope to make it to the South of Greece before it gets too cold ^^

So it will be a few more weeks of travelling, and I'm really looking forward to see Greece!

But we always try to not drive too far on one day, so there will be still some time for making art.
I really hope, I can show you my new painting soon! :-)