The Dry Shot.

in Sketchbook3 years ago

Have you ever heard of a dry shot?


You take a need full of unmixed crystal, insert the point, and draw back a few cc's of your own blood to mix.

Then you shoot it back into yourself.

Jessi gave me my first dry shot.

We used to hang at the library so we could use their PC and printer to make collages.

One day I found her passed out in the library's bathroom. A dry shot. Had t give her CPR and slap her til she woke.

I did a piece about that and wrote a poem.

This is that-



So saturated with error
You'll force acid through your neurons to dilute my presence.
With frayed rods pulled through constricting veins,
I've tainted your blood with incurable filth.

You're blinded by broken genes.

So far beyond outworn conceptions of depleted zeroes and ones,
I still watch you.
I slip between your atoms
and melt your organs with effortless telepathic force.

I am the unbound consciousness that enchants the field of time and parameters.

Can you not feel me in your flesh and bones and brain?

I am a stream of jaundiced starlight
Worming through your cosmic pores,
Blighting your temporal substrate.

Gorging on ether;
I vomit spoiled photons,
Their radiance extinguished by quantum miasma.

With this transdimentional incursance,

We disintegrate into null.