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RE: Thinking about a snail (mixed media on paper)

in Sketchbook2 months ago

Greetings Dear Silvia,

Lovely artwork....very that it is conceptual...with meaning that the viewer brings to the painting.

With regard to your artwork....I saw the figure, a male working in the Garden...wearing a Barbour Jacket..hehe...and yet even as he was doing either his favourite or not his favourite work Smiles...he still had the burden of life he was carrying....something like that.
...even reminding bleujay of the Book 'Pilgrim's Progress' by Bunyan.

Oh thank you for this beautiful art.

And thank you for the has helped the post alot.


Thanks so much for your words, dear Bleujay! I like what you see in this artwork, it's a nice image and it's not so far from the idea I had in my mind while I was painting it.^_^ ❤️