A little practice to get used to it - Humanoid dog

in Sketchbook4 years ago


How are you? Today I bring you a practice, a practice to adapt myself to draw and paint on a tablet because after a month and a half finally came the tablet I asked from Amazon, then I will make a review, is quite different from drawing on a mouse, in fact it is much easier, only after you adapt, I hope you like it.



The original painting was going to be a watercolor, which happens, I wanted to try drawing some fur hand to hand to see how the tablet performs and the truth is that this incredible, the touch it has is very good, I would like the pencil was a little heavier but nothing to worry about.




This time the shadows were cast on the left side and the lights on the right side.




Seriously, painting some fur with a tablet is another world, it's excellent, tomorrow we will do a heavier painting on a human unicorn type that I will do, I don't know, it just occurred to me while I was writing this.





Well, this post is a bit short, but remember that it's just a small practice and the big things will come, until the next post!



A very well presented and elaborated digital drawing. Details in the coat that make it look real as if it were a photograph.

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